Healthy bodies support learning. The district's Food Services Department provides healthy meals daily to students, preparing them to learn and supporting the development of positive, life-long eating habits.
Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC): Breakfast is served daily, free of charge, in the classroom each morning from 7:50 - 8:00. Click on the Food Services Website link to view menus and nutrition information. Due to construction, we will begin the school year with the Cold Breakfast Menu.
Lunch: Lunch is served daily, free of charge, to all Franklin Students. Here is the Kid's Choice Lunch Menu. Click on the Food Services Website link to view menus and nutrition information.
Visit the Food Services website to learn more.
Snacks and Water Bottles: Students are provided with a nutrition break during their morning recess time. Please send your child with a nutritious snack and a refillable water bottle. We have water filling stations around campus for students to use.